abandon all hope ye who have ears cause its about noise

hi i make music and some other stuff on my freetime (but mostly music)

i go by many names such as thom fan, thomas edward yorke, lauch, neeeeeeeeeeerd but mostly as rayyan (pronounced ryan)

heres some cool links



videography (really just a test site, mostly)

my first website (i was 13, dont judge)

a website i put effort into

a website ive made for school (im 14, dont judge)

original explorer (im still converting it into this)

here i go with the background thing

im very mediocre at coding, i can play guitar, bass guitar, keyboard, melodica and drums, oh and did i mention i was 14.

i take my influences both far and wide such as from nirvana all the way to new order and now heres a list of my influnences (to fill up space)

haha just kidding

i love jangly guitars with fat and dry drums with the loudest bass possible (this also might correspond to my type. wait no nevermind FUAIOHSDASDI)

oh and did i mention i was 14?